Groomsman: Ben Force
Meet Ben, Edward's comrade from the Muscat days, where they were just a couple of desert-dwelling music nerds. He’s one of Edward’s oldest friends, and they share so many memories of writing music during lunch breaks, and of eventually playing Metal on the stage as a fully fledged band. Ben has now also become one of the Brides most cherished friends too.
A true free spirit, Ben's path has led him to Brisbane, Australia. He writes, produces and performs music, and currently his profession is in production, and leading the sound and lighting at gigs. He’s got a fierce sense of humour, and can tell the best stories ever.
The Bride and Groom love hanging out with Ben and enjoying his stories and program recommendations, now he’s on the other side of the world they have to settle for their annual group catchups around Christmas and New Year.
Fun fact about Ben: He once had a job assembling chemotherapy medication as a pharmacist, before transitioning full-time into music.